Every year, in states across America, high school thespians prepare monologues, scenes, and shows for presentation at the state’s high school drama competitions. In Idaho, the festival is sponsored by the Idaho High School Activities Association. For us as budding teen actors, the festival was a chance for us to compete with other students and try to win ribbons for our performances.

The competition had three stages: District, Regional, and State. If you received a ribbon at the District competition, then you earned the right to compete at the Regional level; if you received a ribbon at the Regional competition, then you earned a spot at the State festival. I believe the ribbons were Superior (1st place), Excellent (2nd place), and Good (3rd place).

November 1976 - The Dream - Original Solo

When I found out there was a category for an original solo, I was very excited. I loved the idea of writing and performing my own script. The budding writer in me was thrilled at the results. It was a very strange piece (I still have the script), about a man who seems to be suffering a mental breakdown.

November 1976 - T.V. - One-Act Play

Our Highland drama group, directed by JoAn Kisling, entered this one-act play (written by Jean-Claude van Itallie) into festival competition. According to our high school yearbook, we received Superior awards at District and Regional, and an Excellent award at State. I only seem to have the Regional ribbon.

November 1977 - Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead - Duo Scene with Rick Hoge

Rick and I had so much fun with this scene from the play by Tom Stoppard. We would write notes to each other using our character names (I still don’t remember which one I was—I think I was Rosencrantz). It was a fast-paced scene with lots of word play, and we played off of each other well.